Portable HF Antenna – EFHW / EFRW / Xiegu X6100
Check It out! Portable Horizontal or Vertical or Both Xiegu X6100 in Action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOxzAiqtR48
Check It out! Portable Horizontal or Vertical or Both Xiegu X6100 in Action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOxzAiqtR48
Check It out! Portable Vertical Small, Easy to Assemble Tunable to Frequency 2M possible with accessory Icom IC-705 In Action
Digital radio – 2 of 3 Voice Voice is more complicated that hooking a computer to your radio. Each mode usually requires a radio from a different manufacturer. The modes are DMR (Anytone), D-Star (Icom or Kenwood) and System Fusion / C4FM (Yaesu). The use of hotspots, gateways, digipeaters and the internet allows VHF?UHF operators …
Digital radio – 1 of 3 Computers Learn what happens when you connect your radio to your computer. Also many of problems you may encounter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIhJU1wC850& Additional References / Links
WITH Hamventions and Swap meets starting next month you may be able to get a deal on an hf radio The following table provides a summary of what is currently available. Prices are recent, however there are many sales on these days. It all depends on what features you want – power, portability, waterfall display. …