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Digital Radio 2 0f 3 – Voice

Digital radio – 2 of 3 Voice Voice is more complicated that hooking a computer to your radio.  Each mode usually requires a radio from a different…

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1-5 Electronics Course – Grounding

1-5 grounding 1-5 Some test instruments and radios are grounded and some are not.  Hooking a grounded device to an ungrounded circuit could result in a short…

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1-2 Electronics Course – Mathamatics

1-2 Mathematics 1-2 Mathematics  A little math never hurt anyone!.  Use very simple algebra to solve Ohm’s Law and Power Equations.  Take a dive into exponents, logs…

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0 Electronics Course – Introduction

1-1 Circuits / Compontents 1-1 Circuits / Components – Learn what an electrical circuit is.  What is the difference between an open, close and short circuit.  Explore…

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Digital Radio 1 0f 3 – Computers

Digital radio – 1 of 3 Computers Learn what happens when you connect your radio to your computer.  Also many of problems you may encounter.[embedpress prefix_nftcreator=’false’ prefix_nftprice=’false’…

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Baluns Ununs

Baluns ununs – Video (youtube) Learn about baluns and ununs.  What are they and how they are used for antennas/transmission lines.[embedpress prefix_nftcreator=’false’ prefix_nftprice=’false’ prefix_nftlastsale=’false’ label_nftbutton=’false’ loadmorelabel=’false’ label_nftrank=’false’…

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Antenna Test – April 4, 2023

Summary of 2 Antennas WSPRnet Location: Oriole’s Cafe, Airport Square, 73th & Hudson, Vancouver BC Antenna 1 VA7RTL End 1L Auto Spool Home 49:1 0.2W Position Right…

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