Explore the Colourful World of Radio Frequency


Amateur / Ham Radio from A to Z - Antennas to Radios to ZOTA

Roy Thaller VA7RTL

Something for everyone:

  • Weekly:   TechTopicsThursday            Zoom
  • Weekly:    Marpole Breakfast                      In Person
  • Monthly:  Sunday Brunch                             In Person
  • Monthly:  Simplex Sunday                   On the Air
  • Online:     Courses / Information / Blogs / Events / Antenna Tests and Much More

Upcoming Events

Thursday 7:00pm Zoom

Open forum to discuss ham radio news, current events, technical, operation and emergency communication topics and the Electronics Course

Hosted by Roy Thaller, VA7RTL

Electronics Course

Learn how circuits work, watch demonstrations, or build your own to experiment with. Each segment will only be 10-15 minutes per topic. We start with simple circuits and progress to how a radio and transmitter work to coding of microprocessors used in ham/amateur radio.

The course is presented live at each TechTopicsThursday Zoom meeting but is also recorded. It can be watched anytime or if you want to review a specific topic.

Explore The World

 UOTA / GOTA / POTA / SOTA / DXing / Ragchewing / Contests


Have fun finding out with these activities!

Upcoming Hamventions & Destinations

Well, you can stay home in the radio shack doing contests and rag chewing OR you can explore the world with ham radio, get out in nature and have fun